Project Management Training
On this page: PM Jump Start | The Experts’ Tools | Leadership Matters | Sponsoring and Championing Projects | Special Seminars | Certification | Project Business

Project management is a discipline that requires qualified experts.
Professional project managers have a well-filled toolbox with different approaches, various planning, scheduling, and tracking methods, and solid social skills, which they use in a situational fashion.
The seminars below help fill these toolboxes. Customized seminars developed against the specific requirements of a customer are also possible.

Project Management—the Jump Start
For employers:
This 2-day seminar is focussed on corporate employees starting out in project management. It provides them with the basic terminology as well as the crucial skills and knowledge to handle low to medium-complexity projects in difficult organizational environments.
For attendees:
Do you aspire to kickstart your career in Project Management? Look no further than this 2-day seminar, curated specifically for beginners like yourself. Gain the indispensable knowledge and skills you need to achieve success in your initial projects and confidently tackle obstacles that come your way. Lay a strong foundation as you begin your journey in this field.
2 days
Targeted audience:
Entry-level practitioners:
- Beginners in Project Management
- Members of small-scale Project Management teams
- Everyone else interested in basic knowledge of Project Management
Seminar hours:
Typically 9 AM to 5 PM
After completion:
Certificate of attendance
Possible on request
Seminar form:
Virtual or classroom
All industries
>100 pages, colored
Seminar style:
The seminar follows a mixture of:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Group exercises
Methodical basis:
Standard literature in project management*:
- PMBOK Guide 6th & 7th Edition
- Scrum Guide
- Agile Practice Guide
- Situational Project Management – The Dynamics of Success and Failure
*: The attendees are not expected to have and read these books.
Seminar Agenda:
1st day
- Welcome and introduction
- What is a project, what is project management?
- Approaches to project management and when to use them:
- Predictive
- Rolling Wave
- Agile
- Phased and phaseless projects
- Internal projects and customer projects
- Basic tools & techniques:
- Getting chartered for the project
- Identifying and collecting requirements
- Building the team
- Creating the project scope statement
- Creating the WBS
2nd day
- Basic tools & techniques (cont’d):
- Defining activities
- Sequencing and estimating activities
- Developing the project schedule
- Agile time management with Scrum
- Tracking and controlling the project
- Managing change requests
- Delivering the results
- Closing down the project
- Adjourn

The Experts‘ Tools for Project Management
For employers:
Discover the advantages of sponsoring this seminar for your advanced project staff. This comprehensive 3-day seminar provides experienced project managers with the necessary resources and techniques to competently oversee moderately complex projects within your organization.
For attendees:
Join us for a comprehensive 3-day seminar focused on tools and techniques for project management. Discover proven techniques for planning, tracking, and controlling medium-complex projects. You’ll gain valuable insights and skills that will help you successfully navigate your next project with confidence. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your project management abilities—and your career—to the next level.
3 days
Targeted audience:
Mid-level to seasoned practitioners:
- Project Management with at least medium-level experience (>2 years)
- Members of medium-sized to large Project Management teams
- Attendees of the start-up seminar (above)
- Everyone else interested in a deeper knowledge of Project Management
Seminar hours:
Typically 9 AM through 5 PM
After completion:
Certificate of attendance
Possible on request
Seminar form:
Virtual or classroom
All industries
>100 pages, colored
Seminar style:
The seminar follows a mixture of:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Group exercises
Methodical basis:
Standard literature in project management*:
- PMBOK Guide 6th & 7th Edition
- Scrum Guide
- Agile Practice Guide
- Situational Project Management – The Dynamics of Success and Failure
*: The attendees are not expected to have and read these books.
Seminar Agenda:
1st day
- Welcome and introduction
- A quick update on the basics of project management
- Advanced tools & techniques:
- Classifying requirements (Kano)
- Network diagramming
- Stochastic estimating under uncertainty
- Scheduling against deadlines using
- Warning limits
- Control limits
- Specification limits)
2nd day
- Advanced tools & techniques (cont’d):
- Agile methods in-depth
- Scrum
- Kanban
- Managing assumptions and constraints
- The processes of professional risk management
- Digging deep into Rolling Wave project management
- Agile methods in-depth
3rd day
- Advanced tools & techniques (cont’d):
- Cost management processes
- Earned Value analysis & forecasting
- Corrective action and plan updates
- Acceptance and handover planning
- Adjourn

People Make the Difference: Leadership Matters in Project Management
For employers:
If you’re seeking ways to empower your Project Managers to become exceptional leaders, consider sponsoring this seminar. Our three-day program delves into behavioral, psychological, and organizational topics to equip your project managers with the tools to handle the interpersonal challenges that often arise when managing projects within and across organizations.
For attendees:
The success of your projects as a Project Manager dramatically depends on your leadership abilities. This seminar focuses on behavioral, psychological, and organizational topics, equipping you with practical insights and tools. Drawing from both success stories and analyses of failures, we help you overcome interpersonal challenges that commonly arise during project management. Attending this seminar will enhance your professional development, and we cordially invite you to join us and expand your abilities and skills with us.
3 days
Typical: 9 AM through 5 PM
Targeted audience:
Mid-level to seasoned practitioners:
- Project Management with at least medium-level experience (>2 years)
- Members of medium-sized to large Project Management teams
- Attendees of the start-up seminar (above)
- Everyone else interested in a deeper knowledge of Project Management
Seminar hours:
Typically 9 AM to 5 PM
After completion:
Certificate of attendance
Possible on request
Seminar form:
Virtual or classroom (classroom preferred)
All industries
>100 pages, colored
Seminar style:
The seminar follows a mixture of:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Group exercises
Methodical basis:
Standard literature in project management*:
- PMBOK Guide 6th & 7th Edition
- Agile Practice Guide
- Situational Project Management – The Dynamics of Success and Failure
*: The attendees are not expected to have and read these books.
Seminar Agenda:
1st day
- Welcome and introduction
- Diving deep into the leadership challenge
- An introduction to Game Theory (Nash)
- Management plans
- The situational aspects of leadership:
- Contingency theory (Fiedler)
- Connective Leadership and Achieving Styles (Lipman-Blumen)
2nd day
- Developing teams for performance:
- The three stress levels
- The three levels of fear
- Learning curves (Dunning-Kruger, Hersey & Blanchard)
- Strategies for retrospectives
- Tripwires of communications (Schulz von Thun)
3rd day
- Motivating teams for performance:
- The Hawthorne effect
- Hierarchy of needs (Maslow)
- Hygiene factors and motivators (Herzberg)
- VIE – the elements of motivation
- The 7 rules of effective leadership
- Adjourn

Sponsoring and Championing Projects
For employers:
Organizations unlock transformative potentials by establishing project champions to govern and support project managers. These champions, a.k.a. project sponsors, are powerful advocates who secure executive backing, allocate vital resources, and foster stakeholder unity. Their high-level support is key to navigating organizational politics, resolving conflicts, and ensuring that projects resonate with strategic objectives. Together with project managers, they pave the way for remarkable achievements.
For attendees:
For project managers, having strong project champions provides critical advantages such as enhanced access to resources, quicker resolution of escalated issues, and stronger organizational support. Champions lend their influence to align stakeholders, mitigate resistance, and ensure the project remains a priority within the organization. This support allows project managers to focus more on execution and less on navigating organizational politics, ultimately increasing the likelihood of project success.
1 day
Typical: 9 AM through 5 PM
Targeted audience:
- Functional managers who have been or will be assigned by their organization as project champions or sponsors.
- Members of PMOs (project management offices) developing methodical approaches to ensure management backing of projects
- Everyone else interested in project governance and support
Seminar hours:
Typically 9 AM to 5 PM
After completion:
Certificate of attendance
Possible on request
Seminar form:
Virtual or classroom (classroom preferred)
All industries
>100 pages, colored
Seminar style:
The seminar follows a mixture of:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Group exercises
Methodical basis:
Standard literature in project management*:
- PMBOK Guide 6th & 7th Edition
- Agile Practice Guide
- Situational Project Management – The Dynamics of Success and Failure
*: The attendees are not expected to have and read these books.
Seminar Agenda:
1 day
- Welcome and introduction
- Expectations on
- Project managers
- Project champions or sponsors
- Other roles in project management
- Basics of project management
- Basics of project governance
- The role of the project champion or sponsor
- in internal projects
- in customer projects
- Project charter
- Management plans
- Leadership behavior
- Governing in conflict management
- Adjourn

Teaching Your Special Seminar
Seminar Agenda:
Organizations ask me from time to time to develop or conduct special seminars, for example:
- Helping organizations and their project managers overcome specific challenges by developing custom seminars against client requirements
- Helping PMOs (Project Management Offices) and CoEs (Centers of Excellence) roll out project management methodologies
- Adding capacity to trainer teams in major qualification projects with tight deadlines