Give Your Event True Relevance in Project Business
Speaking at Corporate Events
On this page: Speaking

Speaking at Your Event

You are looking for an accomplished (keynote) speaker?
Click here for past and upcoming assignments.
Passionate and inspiring, but also with depth of content? Talking about topics that your audience will still discuss weeks after the event?
I bring years of experience in performing presentational speeches that are both entertaining and insightful at global congresses, conferences, and corporate events. I talk with the organizations about the message that they wish to see conveyed to the audience beforehand and build my talks around them.
Or I show my proven presentations that use a lot of story-telling to convey messages about:
Situational Project Management:
How practices must be carefully selected and adjusted to specific situations – the same practice that was successful yesterday may fail in the future.

Project Business Management:
More project work is outsourced today than ever. However, cross-corporate project management brings new requirements that professionals must meet.